New Media: The Key Concepts by Nicholas Gane, David Beer

New Media: The Key Concepts

New Media: The Key Concepts download

New Media: The Key Concepts Nicholas Gane, David Beer ebook
Format: pdf
Page: 192
ISBN: 1845201329, 9781847884626

This is the first in a series on key concepts for social media for business marketing. Friday 8/31 Introductions & Course Overview Syllabus Class objectives. To visualize the news, to record and communicate the personal moment, and as an art form in its own right, photography is now one of the most accessible and pervasive of media. The book traces the historical roots of these projects in alternative media, social movements, and activist art, including analyses of key case studies and links to relevant electronic resources. The 'new media' concept is a term used for a wide range of interactive, multimedia and digital/traditional art. This short animation provides a quick lesson on the history of communications and media arts. The State Board of Education voted 8-2 for standards for public schools that treat evolution and climate change as key concepts to be taught from kindergarten through the 12th grade. The box acts as a means, a method, or a route to an arguably more vital component of writing instruction; in other words, “the means or media are not as important…as the expressive or conceptual uses afforded by them” (Sirc 2004, 115). Key Concepts: recording audio | creating podcasts | mobile devices and apps. Date Topic (reading due by class date). The transformational nature of social media marketing looks at how marketing has changed due to advancement in technologies and tools. The presentation itself was packed full of theoretical arguments that are hard to unpack in a good brief way, but I just want to point towards some key concepts. The guys who wrote Blogs and Bullets: New Media in Contentious Politics lay out a five-level framework to assess the impact of new media. Key Tools: Audacity | GarageBand | SoundCloud. Begin to establish causality — by identifying the flow of specific concepts, terms, or issues through new media; Identify the origin and flow of ideas — Do ideas move from the blogosphere to the mainstream media or vice Digital Citizenship: Libraries key to building the technology for engagement field November 13, 2012. Hansen argues that this new media culture demands new concepts – a new culture of media processes has to be complemented by a specificity paying attention to how it happens on such levels that are not always directly registered on the human sensorium.

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